Dayalbagh Educational Institute

Name of the Institution   : Dayalbagh Educational Institute
Affiliated University  : Dayalbagh Educational Institute
Institution Address  : Dayal Bagh,Agra,Agra,Uttar Pradesh-282005
Admission Co-ordinator   : Prof. Anand Mohan
Designation   : Registrar
Mobile   : 9336907431
Land Line   : 0562-6548399
Email  :
Website  :
How to Reach   :

The Dayalbagh Educational Institute was established as a registered body in 1973 and was declared a Deemed University under section 3 of the UGC Act on May 16, 1981. In 1975, the institute formulated innovative and comprehensive policy with a mission objective of evolving a complete man.

The Dayalbagh Educational Institute has embarked upon a bold initiative, VISION 2031 and formulated a comprehensive and progressive strategic plan for 2012 - 31, with a goal to become a top teaching cum research institute through an exemplary system of education, to establish Total Quality Management of all activities of the university. The plan encompasses under-graduate, and post - graduate education, research, infrastructure, information and communication technology and campus development. Keeping in line with the Institute's unique system of innovative, comprehensive, inter-disciplinary and value based education that fosters academic excellence with holistic development; the Strategic Plan is a roadmap for providing an environment to produce well - rounded students.